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local food

when you get abroad, do indulge in local foods. pick up a package in which you hardly know what it is, taste whatever new foods you can. here’s some delicious english sweets that i can’t seem to get enough of. i want them to import these.

1. Bird’s Custard.
I’ve tasted this for years, courtesy of my English grandfather, and adore it. I have not had it here yet, but thought I’d throw it out for you. Yummy. Be careful when converting grams to American units or you’re likely to end up with disaster as I have. Be sure to tuck a packet into your suitcase when leaving England though.
2. Yorkies: It’s not for girls.
Apparently, this chocolate is targeted towards men, and they are quite filling. Try the raisin and biscuit kind for an even heavier bar.
3. Minstrels
Lozenge-sized chocolates with a hard shell and creamy chocolate inside.
4. Galaxy
Creamy chocolate bar
5. Hobnobs
Yum yum yum. Biscuits almost like but not quite oatmeal cookies, with a chocolate coating.
6. Caramel digestives
Biscuits with a coating of caramel and chocolate. Quite good.
7. Eros
Aerated chocolate bars, and the mint flavor is my favorite.
8. Malt teasers
Excellent malt balls.
9. Flake
Very flakey and crumbly chocolate bar.
Yes I’ve tried them all. Next time you’re in England, be sure to satisfy your sweet tooth with these.